Bonds Beyond Brotherhood: My Path with Alpha Phi Omega
Alpha Phi Omega delivers a program of service to the universities and the community. APO molds my personality from just a normal college student to an extra-ordinary person. APO offers not just an organization but a family guided by the principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service.
My struggles in Pledgeeship gives a lifetime experience and memories to keep. It’s not an easy path to take but that helps to bring-out the best version of myself in developing my character and leadership skills. Discipline is not just a military thing but an important character one most posses.
I graduated college with not just a degree but with a family in Alpha Phi Omega. Friendship bonds our organization but with treat each other as a family. A real brother and sister that you can depend. A family that you can always get back to.
Services is the lifeblood of APO. We reached out the community by delivering service to improve their quality of life. There’s always an overwhelming feeling by helping those in need.
Alpha Phi Omega offers not just an association and membership with the organization but a family to keep and priceless experiences that awaits your journey within. May We Always Be!\
Mu Eta, Batch ’11A
2nd President, APO Mu Eta Alumni Association D/Y 2023-2025
Secretary, APO Mu Eta Alumni Association D/Y 2021-2023
Grand Chancellor, 2014-2015
Auxiliary Chancellor, 2013|
Scribe, 2012